Explainable Deep Reinforcement Learning for UAV autonomous path planning

UAV autonomous navigation


Autonomous navigation in unknown environment is still a hard problem for small Unmanned Aerial Vehi-cles (UAVs). Recently, some neural network-based methods are proposed to tackle this problem, however, the trained network is opaque, non-intuitive and difficult for people to understand, which limits the real-world application. In this paper, a novel explainable deep neural network-based path planner is pro-posed for quadrotor to fly autonomously in unknown environment. The navigation problem is modelledas a Markov Decision Process (MDP) and the path planner is trained using Deep Reinforcement Learn-ing (DRL) method in simulation environment. To get better understanding of the trained model, a novel model explanation method is proposed based on the feature attribution. Some easy-to-interpret textual and visual explanations are generated to allow end-users to understand what triggered a particular be-haviour. Moreover, some global analyses are provided for experts to evaluate and improve the trained network. Finally, real-world flight tests are conducted to illustrate that our path planner trained in the simulation is robust enough to be applied in the real environment directly.

Aerospace Science and Technology
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